Tier One: Building a Personal and Intimate Connection to the Past by...
- Seeking personal connections to history
- seeing history as the story of people and their voice, rather than dry, disconnected events
Although we'll stick with the outline for teaching skills for both writing and for history, I think that we'll use a simpler, less complicated lesson plan than the one we originally co-created.
Historical Thinking:
I've reviewed the "historical thinking" notes and content from our previous trainings, to see how we were utilizing resources over time, and how each new phase of our training was able complement our prior knowledge of both subject matter and strategic teaching.
This new information from Bobbie Hansen regarding the personal connections we'd like our students to make to history and also the integration of Language Arts standards is a good fit with many of the practices and resources that many of us seem to have already put into place.
In my classroom, for example, I've utilized Cicero on a number of occasions. The Columbian Exchange presented by Dr. Bauer and by Anthony Fitzpatrick was a made a more primary focus of my instruction, and it enabled my students to make cause/effect analyses, and to connect with explorers, as well as the native people in a more meaningful way. I've enjoyed using art/images to analyze perspectives, and find that students really love this alternative. Lastly, using the SPECs model to analyze documents, pictures, etc., has been a useful tool, directing our focus and sharping our analysis skills. Viewing history in this way directs our study and also promotes the personal connections (uncovering the 5 W's) to people and events.